Click the link:  "Authorized Clients: Click here to upload claims" above.
Input your user name and password previously sent to you (USE ALL CAPS)
Click Login.
To Upload your batch:
Click the "Upload" button (upper left-hand corner)
Click the "Browse" button.  Find your file the way you would if you were emailing it.
Click Open  (Note: If you have more than one file, you will see a second Browser button: Click it , find your file, click open. You can transfer the files together; just make sure they are not identically named).
Now click the GREEN checkmark (upper left-hand corner). Your file will upload
To receive your confirmation:
Click the BLUE ARROW (upper left-hand corner), and you will see your confirmation.

If you want to download your confirmation:
Check the box next to the file(s) you want to save to your system; click the Download button on the upper right-hand corner.